
  The Bao Yuming Case

           The Bao Yuming Case (a.k.a. Li XingXing Incident) is a remarkable event in China's legal history, started with unprecedented cyberbullying ulteriorly against a Chinese-American lawyer by malicious mob in China. The Chinese government unusually handled the case with direct and collective involvement by multiple top departments such as the Ministry of Public Security, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and the Ministry of Justice. Eventually after exhausting national resources, collaborative decisions were made with comprehensive calculation on political, legal, diplomatic, social and propaganda consequences, following Central Party Secretary Wang Xiaohong's visit to Mr. Bao's home expressing strongest political implication and dilemma. After this case, Chinese government has never assigned state level task force for similar spotlight cases.
           This historic event shocked the world in April 2020 with catastrophic cyberbullying against a US citizen in China triggered by viciously false charge and overwhelming fake news. Similar to the Danish drama film The Hunt, Ms. Han TingTing fabricated a miserable fiction to wrongfully accuse Mr. Bao Yuming and madly spread online, notoriously known as “rape minor daughter.” The Chinese media South Reviews gave her a nick name Li XingXing and made an explosive news by copying and polishing her fake story without any verification. The abusive Chinese Me-Too movement took her as a model trying to influence justice by media, meanwhile a massive number of media, celebrities, professionals and influencers scrambled to exaggerate and sensationalize to gain popularity. Outrageous rumors, such as Mr. Bao being an American sent by the US government to bully the Chinese, exuberantly sprang up to falsely portray him as an evil, as a result millions of furious Chinese people took all extreme measures to insult, curse, intimidate and dox him.
           Mr. Bao was eventually cleared by the top Chinese authority in September 2020 following harsh and prolonged investigation finding no rape, no minor and no daughter. However, over the heat of unleashed and distorted chaos coupled with the deteriorated US-China bilateral relation, to appease the hysterical mass, derogate Americans and hinder him from personally upholding his rights in China, he was ruthlessly deported under the unrelated guise of maintaining Chinese law license after becoming US citizen, although his license was lawfully renewed after submission of US passport prior to the cyberbullying, so he has to separate with his over 80 year old parents probably for life, interrupt his successful career and suspend his doctoral study. Whilst Mr. Bao, the victim of this brutal cyberbullying, received such overharsh and groundless punishment, none of the mob including Ms. Han has been penalized or condemned in anyway despite of his repeated complaints.
           As thousands of people petitioned to the US government to punish Mr. Bao during the cyberbullying, this matter also drew attention of the US government and an investigation on the alleged professional misconducts was carried out in July 2021 after he returned and reopened his law office in the US. Such investigation was completed after eight months with the conclusion that this matter does not warrant further action therefore is closed. Even though he is cleared in both countries, his trauma continues, as particularly in China to cover up the bullying, the mob still defames and humiliates him freely while dissenting voice is suppressed and deleted including shutdown of his popular blog.
           This website is dedicated to present the entire LiXingXing Incident with substantial details and evidences to restore the truth. This incident is not only about a deteriorated love and shocking aftermath, but also a historical event about China’s justice, media, internet, politics and diplomacy, as well as the US-China relation.

Mr. Bao's Accusation Against Ms. Han (LiXingXing)

           Mr. Bao filed four criminal complaints against Ms. Han from April to May 2020, which were officially agreed to be processed together with the criminal investigation against Mr. Bao and responded concurrently upon its conclusion as they both involved the same matter, but so far no official response has been received...

About Revocation of Mr. Bao's Chinese Law License

           The media didn’t influence the judicial determination but the judicial bureau. No citizenship requirement exists in Chinese lawyer law and Mr. Bao’s license actually was lawfully renewed after submission of US passport, but after cyberbullying his expired license was revoked without hearing as a fruit of poisonous tree...

About Mr. Bao's Resignation from ZTE

            One of the most popular rumors during the cyberbullying is Mr. Bao being an American sent by the US government to bully the Chinese company ZTE, so let’s see Mr. Bao’s contribution in ZTE’s spotlight crisis of US sanction and the ZTE Chairman’s endorsement of his outstanding performance and achievement...

Mr. Bao's "My 2020" Annual Review

           Mr. Bao published annual review on his blog upon return to the US in the end of 2020 after over 3 month disappearance, giving details about a series of four rare experiences in that special year including outrageously wrongful accusation, unprecedentedly tortuous cyberbullying, top level investigation, and inhuman and groundless deportation... (temporarily in Chinese)
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